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When the examination is prepared and rated by the New York State Department of Civil Service in accordance with 23.2 of the Civil Service Law, the administration of this examination, including rating and review, is governed by the provisions of New York State Civil Service Rules and Regulations.  The passing grade for this examination is 70.

APPLICATIONS: Candidates, may apply online for exams with a “logon” button.  Candidates wishing to obtain a hard copy may print the application, by visiting, or by visiting the Department of Human Resources between normal business hours. For applicants not able to print a copy or visit this office, you may request a paper application by sending a self-addressed, stamped, legal-sized envelope to the Orange County Department of Human Resources at 255 Main Street, Goshen, NY 10924. 

HOW TO APPLY:  If applying by US Postal Mail, completed applications must be postmarked no later than the last filing date shown on the front of this announcement or, if not mailed, must be received in the Department of Human Resources no later than 4:59 PM on the last filing date established for this examination. Candidates applying online must submit their application online by 11:59 p.m. eastern standard time on the last filing date shown of the front of this announcement.  It is recommended that you not wait until the last moment to apply in case a problem may arise during your submission process. The burden of ensuring a timely application is received rests solely on the candidate.  The date imprinted by a postage meter is NOT construed as a postmark.  The application is part of the testing process:  It must be completely filled out, with all pertinent information provided, or disapproval may result.  Reference is not made to applications already on file.  False or deliberately exaggerated statements may result in disqualification.  Do not submit a resume in lieu of an application.  Ambiguity and vagueness will not be resolved in your favor.  If your application is disapproved, you will be so notified and given an opportunity to submit qualifying information.  Failure to furnish such information or other requested information within the time frame specified may be cause for disapproval. Applications faxed or emailed to this office will not be accepted.

APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE:  An application processing fee as specified on the front of this announcement must accompany the application.  A check or money order payable to the Commissioner of Finance is the only acceptable form of payment if applying by mail or in person. Write the examination number and your social security number on the check or money order.  Do not send cash.  Online exam application submission requires a debit/credit card payment or an approved fee waiver.  As APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE, you are urged to compare your qualifications carefully with the requirements for admission and file only for those examinations for which you are clearly qualified.

APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE WAIVER:  Application processing fees may be waived for those candidates who are unemployed and primarily responsible for the support of a household.  Individuals who can be claimed as a dependent on any other person’s tax return are NOT eligible for waiver as head of household.  In addition, fees may be waived if you are determined eligible for Medicaid, or receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments, or Public Assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Family Assistance or Safety Net Assistance) or are certified Job Training Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act eligible through a state or local social service agency.  All claims for application fee waiver are subject to verification.  Candidates who are not approved for a fee waiver will be notified and have (2) two business days from notification of unacceptance to submit payment in the form of a check or money order.  Failure to submit payment will result in your application being unprocessed. Candidates interested in this waiver must submit a “Request for Application Fee Waiver and Certification” form with their application by the last filing date noted on the announcement.  Waiver forms can be obtained from the Orange County Department of Human Resources, Civil Service Unit, 255 Main Street, Goshen, NY  10924 or on the web at

MULTIPLE EXAMINATIONS:  If you have applied for another Civil Service Examination with New York State or other local government jurisdiction scheduled for the same date as this exam, you must notify all civil service agencies involved of the dual candidacy.  You must make arrangements to take all exams at one test site as soon as possible, in any event no later than two weeks before the exam date.  For all examinations for positions in New York State you have to sit at a State examination center.  The maximum time allowed for any combination of exams is eight hours.

REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS, SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS, ALTERNATE TEST DATES, MILITARY PERSONNEL:  If you require reasonable accommodations as a disabled person, or special testing arrangements as one in need of religious accommodation, or are an alternate test date candidate (in accordance with Alternate Test Date Policy), or an active member of the military away from the area on the scheduled test date, clearly indicate this fact on the application. All such requests must be supported by appropriate documentation.

VERIFICATION OF QUALIFICATIONS:  In reviewing applications for open-competitive and promotional examinations, where a year or more of experience is minimally required, a tolerance of thirty (30) days is allowed in meeting said requirements.  The amount of experience required in the minimum qualifications is based upon the presumption of a thirty-five (35) hour workweek.  Part-time experience is pro-rated, unless otherwise specified on this announcement.  Unpaid, verifiable volunteer experience may be substituted for an equivalent amount of the required experience unless the minimum qualifications specify otherwise.  To be credited as experience of the type specified in the qualifications, the major function and primary emphasis of the duties performed must be of that type.  Duties incidental to a person’s job may not be credited.  An applicant who has falsified or misrepresented any information, or who is found to lack any of the established requirements for admission to the exam or for appointment from the resultant eligible list, may be denied the opportunity to be examined.  After examination, such a candidate may not be included on the eligible list, or may be removed or restricted from the eligible list.

CREDENTIALS:  Only college transcripts may be used to demonstrate possession of claimed post-secondary academic credentials.  Thirty (30) credit hours equals one year of college in evaluating a candidate’s qualifications.  Foreign post-secondary educational achievement must be independently evaluated to ascertain equivalency to education attained in the United States.

ADMISSION TO EXAM:  Accepted candidates will be notified by letter approximately one week prior to the exam date when and where to appear for the exam.  You should call this office if you do not receive a notice three days prior to the exam.  You may not be admitted to the exam room without official notice, or more than one half hour after an exam has begun.  Unless otherwise notified, candidates are permitted to use quiet, hand-held, solar or battery operated basic calculators. Cell phones, programable or graphing calculators and devices with typewriter keyboards, spell-checkers, personal digital assistants, address books, language translators, dictionaries and any electronic and/or communication device (e.g., smart watch, Fitbit, iPad, tablet, headphones, etc.) or any similar devices are strictly prohibited.  You may NOT bring books or other reference materials.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT IN SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND BOCES:  Per Chapter 180 of the Laws of 2000, and by Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, to be employed in a position designated by a school district or BOCES as involving direct contact with students, a clearance for employment from the State Education Department is required.

BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION:  Applicants may be required to undergo extensive investigation of criminal history and background, which will include a fingerprint check, to determine suitability for appointment.  Costs related to such investigation may be borne by the applicant.  Failure to meet the standards of investigation may result in disqualification.

ELIGIBLE LIST:  Eligible lists will be established on the basis of passing grades received by the candidates in the competitive portions of the examination.  Medical, physical and other appropriate non-competitive qualifying tests may be conducted as the need for certification from the eligible list may require.  The resulting eligible list will be used to fill appropriate vacancies as they occur in the agencies listed on the face of this announcement.  Lists resulting from promotion exams are certified first.

VETERANS:  Non-disabled and disabled war veterans who are eligible for additional credits added to an earned passing score must submit an application for veterans credits in conjunction with each application filed.  Candidates who wish to claim veterans credits should request an application and information sheet from this office, or from the monitor at the examination site.  Completed forms, including proof of war service (Form DD-214), must be received before the eligible list for the examination is established.  An applicant currently in the Armed Forces may request and receive additional credit, but must meet all criteria for such credit prior to its use.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS:  It is the candidate’s responsibility to notify this department of any changes of name and/or address.  Please include examination number on all correspondence.

RESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE:  There is no residence requirement for exam, unless specified on the front of this announcement.  Preference in appointment from open-competitive lists may be given to residents of the jurisdiction making the appointment.  In accordance with law or resolution, you may be required to become a resident to secure appointment. All appointments will be made pursuant to applicable laws including but not limited to NYS Public Officers Law and the local laws of Orange County.

ADDITIONAL EXAMINATION CREDIT TO CHILDREN OF FIREFIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY:  Children of firefighters and police officers killed in the line of duty shall be entitled to receive an additional ten points in a competitive examination for original appointment in the same municipality in which his or her parent has served.  If you are qualified to participate in this exam and are a child of a firefighter or police officer killed in the line of duty in this municipality, please inform this office of this matter when you submit your application.  A candidate claiming such credit has a minimum of two months from the application deadline to provide documentation to verify additional credit eligibility.  No credit may be added after the eligible list has been established.

NEPOTISM:  Executive Order #1 of 1983 holds that no one in the immediate family of anyone employed by Orange County Government shall hold a position of employment in direct line of supervision as his or her relation.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY:  It is the County’s policy to ensure equal employment opportunities to all county employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, military or veteran status, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic or conduct in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws. 

WARNING:  Anyone found unlawfully possessing or disclosing questions or answers from civil service exams, or giving or taking test information from another candidate during the exam, or anyone found taking a civil service exam for someone else or enlisting another person to take an exam for another, will be subject to being disqualified from that exam and may be barred from taking any further exam with the Orange County Department of Human Resources and may be subject to other penalties as prescribed by law.

For further information call or visit:
Orange County Department of Human Resources
255 Main Street 
 Goshen, NY 10924
(Tel: 845-291-2707)
Hours:  9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday